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Selectmen Minutes 07/16/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold and Administrative Assistant Jamie A Pike.

Other Present:  Ann Davis, Philip Hitchcock, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Matt Cole, Alan Quimby.

Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Chief Quimby reported that there had been a major accident at the intersection of Mayflower Drive and Route 28.  The Fire Department had several members at the scene for several hours as a traffic detail during the recovery of the vehicle.  The Department incurred approximately $2,800 dollars in costs between staff and equipment.  Chief Quimby is requesting permission to bill the towing company for the detail costs, and secondly pay the firefighters for their time at the scene.  The Board was in agreement to bill for the services and to pay the staff only upon remittance of the invoice.

Pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept and expend $300 received from the Pittsfield 1st Congregational Church to support the food pantry.  Motion passes.

Mr. Pike presented the Board with an amendment to the Personnel Sick Policy.  Amendments included changing the title to Medical Leave, and the addition of 3 specific reasons why such leave may be taken.  These amendments closely resemble those of the FMLA act, to which the Town is not subject.  With minimal discussion and non-substantive changes, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adopt the Policy Amendment as revised.  Motion passes.

Event Reminders:  Roadside Cleanup, Aug 3rd; Garden Tour, July 20th; Community Charrette Mtg, July 22nd; Heritage Master Plan Meeting, July 18th; Ag Commission Mtg, July 17th; Thunder Bridge picnic, Aug. 17th.

Mr. DeBold reported that the well pump at Carpenter Park has been replaced and is now working fine.

With no further business, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:48pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Not Approved until signed.

Jamie A Pike, Administrative Assistant

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio